Best Beginner Punch Bag – MADX 4ft Punch Bag Review

Whether you have ambitions to be a professional boxer, are training for a charity bout or simply want to exercise, the best punching bag is essential.
With so many options out there on the market, it can be hard to choose the right one for you. The MADX 4ft punch bag is a brilliant choice for anyone looking for the best beginner punching bag. It’s easy to use, highly durable and doesn’t lose its shape.
In this review we will look further into those pros while also looking at any cons it has. Once you’ve finished reading, you’ll know whether or not this is the perfect punch bag for you.
A quick look
This MADX punch bag ticks all the boxes when it comes to the best lightweight punch bag. At 20kg it is a good weight for most people and if you wanted to increase that, you could always unzip the top and add more weight.
The leather used is high-quality and won’t rip easily. One or more of the 4 support chains can come loose with heavy punching but that’s a minor issue. Overall it’s an impressive bag and one which will be perfect for a wide range of users.
Who is this for?
This is going to be a great bag for individuals who range from being complete novices to good boxers looking to train hard. It isn’t the heaviest bag but it’s great for practice, exercising and perfecting your punching technique.
High-quality materials
Well packed
Takes a lot of punishment
Chain can shake loose
Build quality
I’ve used this bag for quite some time now and I’ve not noticed any ripping or any damage other than general fading that will come with such a product. The leather exterior is tough and won’t crack after prolonged use.
Does it take the punishment?
The simple answer to this is yes. Punch bags are nothing if they can’t take punishment and this will be able to hold its shape and the chains will also hold up to the movement of the bag. It’s great value for money in that respect and you won’t be disappointed.
Is it heavy enough?
Big punchers might have a little trouble with keeping the bag in the right spot. Heavy jabs high on the bag can cause significant wobbling and the heaviest shots can shake one or two of the hooks loose.
That being said, the bag is great for rapid and repetitive punches and heavy hooks to the middle of the bag won’t be a problem.
If you’re a middleweight or above then it’s not a great bag to practice head-high power shots. For general exercise or lighter boxers, it’s more than heavy enough.
Customer reviews
The reviews on the MADX 4ft punch bag are overwhelmingly positive. They note it’s durability as well as the ease of use. It’s perfect for almost all your needs and is excellent value for money.
Some users have reported ripping but I’ve not noticed this after prolonged use and therefore it must be a rare occurrence. It’s clearly a bag you can have confidence in and most people are more than happy with it.
What else do I need to buy?
Boxing gloves are a must. If you’re not sure about what gloves to get then you are best using 16oz gloves. You may be tempted to match the pros and used 10oz or even 8oz gloves but this would be foolish, as even though they use these gloves in fights, they use much bigger gloves in practice.
The reason for that is in order to protect your knuckles and your wrist. If you are a heavy puncher then you will also need to use hand wraps. I tried to use this bag without them but after a few jarring shots, I took the sensible option.
A great option is these gel hand wraps. They are much quicker to put on than cloth wraps and offer a great level of protection. I’ve not noticed any of the jarring I have previously and have no wrist soreness after a heavy session. If you are just using the bag for exercise with light repetitive punches, hand wraps probably aren’t essential but it’s best practice to use them.
Do I need a bracket?
This bag just comes with a closed loop and it’s up to you to work out how to hand it. You have the option of getting a full package with a bracket if you want to attach it to a wall. Personally I used a hook in the garage and therefore didn’t need a bracket. It’s a good idea to work out where and how you are going to hang it before getting the bag.
Wrap up
This is a great punch bag and one that I’d highly recommend to anyone. I throw in some heavy shots into my routine and find the swinging of the bag good for timing. It never swings wildly and the bag is perfect for all other types of shots.
Whether you are a 7st featherweight for a 15st heavyweight the bag is great. It’s not a professional level bag but it will suit almost all needs. The durability and performance is brilliant and you won’t regret getting it, especially for the great price.

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