5 Fun Sports to Try When You’re Bored of Your Regular Routine

Sports to try when you're bored

If you pressed this link, that means you’re probably tired of the same old daily routine, you want to try something new or maybe you’re just bored and want to pass the time.

We’re here to help and tell you our most favourite sports to try when we’re bored.

I’m sure you know all the basic sports. You know, football, basketball, volleyball and all that. Now, I’m not saying that they’re bad sports, besides, we’re fans of most of these sports. It’s just that they require a group of people, a pitch and we don’t like to go through all those tiring processes, like,  isn’t life already tiring enough?

What we did, is pick all the sports that don’t require you to have a group of people in order to have fun, but can also be done with friends. And to top it all off, they aren’t extreme sports that require you to travel or spend bucket loads of money.

Anyways, let’s get down to business and see these sports that we’ve rambled about for the last two paragraphs.

5 Fun Sports to Try When You’re Bored

Here are five great sports to try when you’re bored.


The best part is, all you need is a jump rope! Now we know that some people might sneer and say that its “not a real sport”, but believe me, it is. 

Another pro about skipping is that you can organize it however you want and have fun with it.

Here are some of the ideas we came up with:

  • You can play a song and try to skip on beat
  • Try grabbing a friend and compete who can skip without tripping
  • Get a partner try to skip in sync

These are just some ideas and there’s probably a whole fountain of possible things you can do with this sport.


First of all, don’t panic, I’m also a terrible dancer. Just remember that no one can see you and you’re having fun and keeping yourself healthy. Learn a new dance move, who cares if you’re rubbish?

What we suggest is to just google your favourite song and add “dance choreography” next to it. You’ll have a lot to choose from.  Take your time, and if you want, you can even show your dance skills to your family and friends so they can have a good chuckle. Unless of course, you’re a good dancer, in that case, let them marvel at your skills.


Grab a bicycle and you’re good! You don’t even have to go that far, you can ride in circles around your block and even have some Airpods in along the way to keep you busy.

With this sport, there’s not much to overthink about. While some prefer the traditional bicycle, some would rather hit the gym and use the static bicycles and both options are okay.


You can join a nearby yoga studio or even just subscribe to a yoga channel. It’s not only something new, but it’s also calming and increases your flexibility. All you need is a yoga mat and a reasonable amount of space for moving your body around.

You can do this alone or with a friend. You can even do your favourite yoga poses when you’re watching a movie or using your phone.


As the old cliche goes, last but not least we have swimming. I mean, who doesn’t enjoy immersing themselves in a huge bathtub?

Swimming can be an individual or a group sport. All you need is a costume, and about five dollars and you’re good to go! Something we like about public pools is that you won’t just swim and be on your way.

It’s a great opportunity to meet a lot of new people.

Best Sports When Bored – Final Thoughts

Finally, we’re done, but the list still goes on and on. These are just a fraction of the things that you can do when you’re bored. So, what are you waiting for? Get busy, buy a jump rope, follow some dancing channels, purchase a yoga mat, get some headphones and hop right into it!

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