5 Tips For Gym Beginners

gym beginner tips

There is no doubt that a gym can be an intimidating place for many people. Not only does everyone in there already look in great shape but you’ll be met with a huge number of machines that you don’t know how to use. If that’s the case, then doing an induction is a great place to start but even then, there is plenty you need to know about going to the gym.


Starting a workout routine can be tough, but it’s not impossible. Here are 5 tips to help beginners get started at the gym and see results.


5 Tips for Gym Beginners


1. Start slow


Don’t try to do too much too soon. You’ll only end up injured and frustrated. Start with a few basic exercises and work your way up. Even if you’re not straining yourself too much, you’ll be in a lot of pain the next day if you’ve not done any form of exercise or weights for a while.


This can be especially important if you have a job where you need to move around all day. I’m not talking about active jobs but even things like teaching can become very difficult if you’re coping with a lot of exercise pains.


It’s great to push yourself in the gym but on your first couple of visits, take it slow. Once your body has got used to exercising, then you can step it up.


2. Get a good pair of shoes


Investing in a good pair of workout shoes will make a big difference in your comfort and performance. This can depend on what you’re doing but even for low-stress activities, a good pair of shoes can help.


For running machines, having a great pair of shoes can be crucial not only for comfort but also to prevent injuries. Make sure you have any other gym accessories you need too such as a water bottle, a lock for your locker, or a towel for wiping sweat.


3. Find a workout buddy


Having someone to help motivate you and keep you accountable can be a huge help. You can set each other goals and push each other to do that extra rep or that extra mile. The social element is great too and better than going down to the pub!


If you go to the gym on your own, then why not look into getting a personal trainer? Most gyms have then. While beginners may be hesitant of being judged, the opposite is true. A great personal trainer will guide you through into getting workout routines while assessing your needs.


4. Set realistic goals


Don’t expect to lose 20 pounds in a month. Slow and steady progress is the key to success. Also, you may lose heart if you way I want to do 50kg bicep curls, 10,000 meters on the rowing machine, or 10 miles on the treadmill.


Find out the level you’re at, then aim to beat it next time. Say can do 2,000 meters on the rowing machine non-stop, work your way up to 3,000. Setting your goals too high can quickly lead to a lack of motivation.


5. Be patient


Change takes time, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep at it and eventually, you’ll reach your goals. If you go hard at the gym for a week, don’t magically expect elite fitness, huge muscles, or miracle weight loss. It all takes time.


6. You Need More Than The Gym


Everyone has their own reasons to go to the gym but most people are trying to achieve a certain look or level of fitness. If you’re eating unhealthily but smashing it at the gym once a week, you aren’t going to get anywhere.


You can undo a lot of hard work in the gym in a short space of time. That’s not to say you shouldn’t treat yourself but it’s important to bear in mind that the gym isn’t going to get you great body results on its own.

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